

A hitbox controller using the GP2040-CE mapping software mounted to a Raspberry Pi Pico. Case is a cardboard box and all key switches are friction fitted.


With the game Street Fighter 6 being released, I started playing using a regular keyboard. However as I was also new to Stockholm, I wanted to attend the local Street Fighter scene. Though playing on a keyboard meant that I would not be able to play like I am used to since they use game consoles instead of PC setups. So the closest thing I could get to playing with a keyboard was to purchase a "Hitbox" controller. Unfortunately being a broke student recently moved to Stockholm, I did not have the funds for one. So I decided to build my own instead!

I asked around at The Game Assembly if anyone had a large cardboard box just laying around that I could use, and one of the teachers at the school gave me an Immortal Unchained Collector's Edition box to use! As soon as I got home, I immediately began carving out my desired button layout and started daisy-chaining the key switches' ground input. This was also my first time soldering, so it was quite difficult and the results were not the prettiest, but it worked!

After all buttons were grounded properly, I started connecting the buttons to the board itself. I was using a Raspberry PI Pico and the GP2040-CE open source software.

After some minor burns, sweat and tears (mostly tears), I finished connecting everything with the worst cable management know to mankind and tested it out. Thankfully, it worked on the first try and I've been using it ever since! Sometimes a button does fall out of the case from time to time, but it does allow me to play on any type of platform! c: