Friendship Engine


A custom made engine written in C++ and using the DirectX 11 API for the rendering pipeline. The game logic is connected via an Entity-Component-System, where its contents are unique per scene. Models and animations are imported as .fbx files (via FBXSDK), which are then baked into a custom binary file format.

  • deferred, forward, gizmo, sprite and text renderers, supporting PBR and custom shaders
  • post processing
  • particle system, vfx manager and timeline
  • model viewer, node scripting and editor, vertex painter, standard engine editor features (inspector etc)
  • binary file storage

The engine uses libraries and APIs: DirectX 11, DirectXTK, DirectXTex, stb, ImGui, imnodes, PhysX, FMOD, nlohmann, freetype.

Powered by Friendship, #include <3

The engine is still under development, so stay tuned for more info at a later date!